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Bure Valley 01263 733949

Community Grants


We were delighted to be awarded an IVC community grant of £1000 and were able to present this cheque to Taverham Day Care Centre. Some of this money was used to fund a visit from Miniature Donkeys for Wellbeing which was loved by all!

We are thrilled to announce that in February 2024 we had the pleasure of awarding two community grants of £500 each to The Dogs Trust and Nelson's Journey. These grants were given in support of their incredible work towards uplifting and supporting our community.  

Nelsons Journey supports children and young people in Norfolk who’ve experienced the death of a significant person. We provide a range of resources and services and accept referrals from families and professionals for those who may need our support. Since 1997, Nelson’s Journey has helped thousands of bereaved children and young people in the county. “It is thanks to the tremendous support of our local community that our work is possible. We would like to thank Taverham Vets for their kind and generous donation which helps us continue our work.”  

Dogs Trust believes that all dogs deserve to live life to the fullest and supports owners and their dogs in times of need – ‘When a dog is in distress, we care for them. When a dog needs a home, we find them a loving family. When an owner needs a helping hand (or paw) – or they just can’t cope, we’re ready to step in.’ Dogs Trust found loving forever homes for almost 10,000 dogs in the last year!


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