Taverham Vets's home page
Emergency 01603 867330
Out of hours 01603 867330
Taverham Hospital 01603 867330
Longwater Lane 01603 747344
Bure Valley 01263 733949

Referral Form

Refer a case to our veterinary team in Norfolk

All potential costs will discussed before treatment or investigations are performed. However, in some instances it is not possible to give precise quotes due to variable needs of the patient. In these circumstances we will endeavour to keep you updated as to the account status. Payment will be required in full at the time of your animal’s discharge. We accept cash and credit/debit cards, plus payments over the phone. Insured Animals Our standard policy is for all fees to be settled by the client at the time of your animal’s discharge and the money is then claimed back from your insurance company. Claim forms can be left with us for completion and for sending on to the insurance company (this carries an administration fee). We endeavour to complete all forms promptly.

Client Details

Vet Details

Referral Details


Please attach the appropriate case history and any additional records e.g. test results, radiographs, ECG tracings etc (Max total file size 8MB).

Pet Details

*All fields are mandatory*

Financial Details

*All fields are mandatory*

Security Question: