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Out of hours 01603 867330
Taverham Hospital 01603 867330
Longwater Lane 01603 747344
Bure Valley 01263 733949


Taverham Vets offers a cryotherapy service to patients with abnormal tissue such as warts, skin tags and small benign growths. This non-invasive treatment uses extreme cold to eliminate these lesions with great accuracy and precision. Unlike traditional surgery there is no cutting involved. 

Cryosurgery is generally not considered painful, although some animals may feel slight discomfort initially. If the lesion is in a sensitive or delicate area, such as around the eyes, a sedative may be administered. To ensure your pet's comfort, a pain-relief injection may also be given before they are sent home. 

After Cryosurgery, you may notice that the treated area appears inflamed and slightly larger than before treatment. A scab will form, followed by a crust, which should naturally fall off within 10-14 days without requiring further intervention. To prevent irritation, it's important to ensure your pet cannot disturb the area during this time. Depending on the lesion's location, we may recommend using a buster collar or a pet t-shirt.  

In rare cases, a second treatment may be necessary. It is recommended to schedule the second treatment within four weeks of the initial therapy. Second treatments typically cause less discomfort since the sensory nerves have already been desensitised. Often, even if the first treatment was performed under sedation, pets will tolerate the second session while conscious. 

If you would like more information about Cryosurgery at Taverham Vets, please don't hesitate to speak with a staff member. We can also provide you with a detailed cost estimate upon request.