Taverham Vets's home page
Emergency 01603 867330
Out of hours 01603 867330
Taverham Hospital 01603 867330
Longwater Lane 01603 747344
Bure Valley 01263 733949

Referral Hub

Referring a pet to Taverham Vets

Welcome to Taverham Vets' Referral Hub.

Referral to Taverham Vets must always be made through your own veterinary surgeon who will contact us and provide a copy of any relevant clinical notes. You may be asked to bring any relevant x-rays to your appointment. A report will be sent back to your own veterinary surgeon at the end of your visit to Taverham Vets and they will continue your animal’s care.

The practice is purpose built and winner of the BVHA 2007 “best design” award. The further academic qualifications achieved by our vets are backed up by constant investment in new facilities and equipment at Taverham Vets.

RCVS Certificates

All vets train for 5-6 years. However just like doctors, we continue our clinical training throughout our careers, attending courses, lectures and conferences. A small minority of vets chose to undertake 2-5 years of further training in specific subjects in order to sit RCVS Certificate Examinations. We are proud to have RCVS Certificate holders in:

  • Small Animal Surgery
  • Small Animal Orthopaedics
  • Veterinary Radiology
  • Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
  • Veterinary Cardiology
  • Veterinary Ophthalmology

The RCVS Certificate is the level of postgraduate qualification awarded by RCVS one below the Diploma (a Diploma indicates Specialist status), and indicates that the holder is a competent clinician who has proved their experience and expertise by examination in their chosen subject.

Outpatient CT Scanning

Outpatient CT Scanning

We have a state-of-the-art CT Scanner at Taverham Vets



Comprehensive treatment plans for your pet's unique needs

Soft Tissue Surgery

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our highly trained vets can perform a number of soft tissue surgeries

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

We offer a range of internal medicine investigations and treatments

Endoscopic Surgery

Endoscopic Surgery

Our vets offer endoscopic surgeries including laparoscopic spay procedures



Our veterinary team can investigate and treat a number of cardiology issues in pets

Pet Rehabilitation

Pet Rehabilitation

We offer an array of pet rehabilitation services at Taverham Vets



Book a hydrotherapy appointment with one of our experienced team members today

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