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Outpatient CT Scanning

Out-patient CT referrals will only be accepted from referring veterinary practices.  

The following is for NON-URGENT, clinically stable patients. For urgent cases please contact Taverham Vets. We are usually able to arrange same day or next day slots with reports delivered within 4-6 hours.   

The diagnostic imaging team at Taverham Vets combines experience with state-of -the-art equipment to now offer a cost-effective out-patient CT service. Our 16-slice scanner allows efficient and detailed imaging for relevant medicine, orthopaedic, tumour staging, and surgical- planning cases. Images are evaluated by a board-certified specialist (VetCT) and reports provided within 5 days or earlier if requested.


Clients are admitted and discharged by our experienced nursing team and will not be charged a referral consultation. All patients will be examined by a veterinary surgeon and pre anaesthetic bloods will be undertaken prior to use of contrast. IV contrast is frequently used in CT imaging and should be used cautiously with patients with known kidney or liver disease.

Clients will be expected to pay in full on the day of imaging unless a direct claim has been previously arranged and approved. A fixed pricing schedule can be found below.

We do not discuss imaging findings with clients directly, give treatments for conditions investigated, or offer treatment recommendations with the exception of an emergency in which we will make every effort to contact you prior to further intervention.

Uses of CT

CT images are constructed using slices of cross-sectional x-rays. The superior detail of CT offers the ability to evaluate complex structures that would otherwise be superimposed in traditional radiology. CT can be especially useful in the following areas:



Cranium Trauma, neoplasia including those of nasal cavity, bony structures, diseases of the tympanic bulla and temporomandibular joints
Retrobulbar Abscess, sialadenitis/sialocoele, neoplasia, foreign body
Bulla Disease Infection, neoplasia  
Nasal Neoplasia, foreign body, nasopharyngeal polyp, rhinitis
Oral Neoplasia, pharyngeal/laryngeal mass, oronasal fistula, dental disease, surgical planning
Facial/Jaw Trauma, neoplasia, temporomandibular joint disease
Neck Granulomatous mass, foreign body, neoplasia (including lymphoma and thyroid carcinoma)
Spine Spondylopathy, IVDD, atlantoaxial subluxation, discospondylitis, multiple myeloma, metastatic disease, spinal neoplasia
Thorax Trauma, cranial mediastinal disease and neoplasia, diaphragmatic hernia
Lungs Neoplasia, bullae, metastasis, lung lobe abscess, lung lobe torsion, bronchial disease, foreign body
Abdomen Gastric, adrenal, splenic, hepatic, pancreatic, bladder, retroperitoneal and renal neoplasia, ectopic ureter, ureteral disease, renal, ureteral and cystic calculi, prostatic neoplasia, abdominal lymphadenopathy
Musculoskeletal Elbow and hip dysplasia, OA, neoplasia, planning for fracture repair

CT Fixed Pricing

Clients will be expected to pay in full on the day of imaging unless a direct claim has been previously arranged and approved. A fixed pricing schedule can be found below.

Fixed Price


Standard report
*additional charges will apply for urgent reporting