Taverham Vets's home page
Emergency 01603 867330
Out of hours 01603 867330
Taverham Hospital 01603 867330
Longwater Lane 01603 747344
Bure Valley 01263 733949


StreetVet is a registered charity providing veterinary care for the homeless and vulnerably housed, with registered practices across the country. 


StreetVet's Norwich branch was founded in December 2019 by Claire Willis who is Norwich team lead as well as being a full-time vet at Taverham Vets. The hospital has kindly allowed Claire to make Taverham Vets the base for medicine and supply storage as well as hosting StreetVet team training and meetings within the practice. Taverham also provide emergency care via Norwich Night Vets. 


StreetVet Norwich is made up of a clinical team of local vets and nurses who give up their free time every week to run an on-street veterinary clinic! StreetVet provides owner education, health checks and vaccinations, prescriptions and follow-ups, medication, daily essentials and where required surgery and hospitalisation. 


We also have a non-clinical team who love to fundraise for us and regularly host incredible events such as quiz and bingo nights and also promote our services via attending local fetes and fairs. We also acquire donations via our website and Amazon, which is particularly utilised at Christmas, ensuring all our patients have some presents! 



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